Writer: Judy Meiler (Judy)
Reader: Meimeiryo Littlebird (Jocelyn)
Editor: Aleli Damiano (Monica)
Organizer: Meredith Rhosar (Meredith)
The Dialogue
[18:31] Meimeiryo Littlebird: please tell us
[18:31] Judy Meiler: So have everyone read my news already?
[18:31] Aleli Damiano: yes I did
[18:31] Meimeiryo Littlebird: i did
[18:32] Judy Meiler: I just want to introduce a new way to approach our traditional religion and custom.
[18:33] Judy Meiler: Religion is not so old-fashioned anymore. It has new life.
[18:34] Aleli Damiano: it's changing according to the time we live...
[18:35] Meimeiryo Littlebird: what's
[18:35] Judy Meiler: If we mix religion and pop music together, there would be more young people to accept and approach our tradition.
[18:36] Judy Meiler: I think our traditional religion frightens and makes me uncomfortable at first, because of the weird gods figure and the music they play.
[18:38] Aleli Damiano: but is very colorful...
[18:38] Meimeiryo Littlebird: now it mixed with Electric-Techno Music, do u think it is more acceptable for people to listen?
[18:40] Judy Meiler: Yeah, because Electric-Techno Neon Gods mix the traditional religion and pop music together. Besides, the music is familiar to us, so it makes me feel better now.
[18:41] Aleli Damiano: better in what sense? in the sense that u r more willing to join traditional celebrations?
[18:42] Judy Meiler: Now I think young people can accept our traditional religion more than before.
[18:42] Meimeiryo Littlebird: after the The World Games
[18:43] Judy Meiler: it's not so local and unfashionable anymore.
[18:44] Meimeiryo Littlebird: the point is some people think electric-techno music is unfashionable
[18:44] Meimeiryo Littlebird: so they think it lower the class of our true tradition
[18:44] Meimeiryo Littlebird: do u agree?
[18:44] Meredith Rhosar: yes that's what I think XD
[18:45] Judy Meiler: But I think they dance the popular music suchlike 「Sorry Sorry」 and 「Nobody」.
[18:45] Aleli Damiano: but then tradition is gonna be lost in time, isnt it worst?
[18:46] Judy Meiler: It makes them not so old-fashioned anymore.
[18:46] Susie223 Chun shouts: there are still many helpless migrant brides in the difficult situation that need more people concern such as the education of their child, domestic violence, and racial discrimination
[18:47] Meimeiryo Littlebird: that's the main point: should we keep the very first tradition, the true tradition, or we should make it into something else?
[18:48] Judy Meiler: Yeah, traditional religion is not something fashionable, but Electric-Techno Neon Gods uses a new way to make us approach our custom.
[18:48] Meredith Rhosar: if we don't want it lost, we should find ways to make young people accept them
[18:49] Judy Meiler: Yeah, so it is a new way to let us accept them and preserve our tradition.
[18:49] Meredith Rhosar: that's true
[18:49] Meimeiryo Littlebird: i remember the main argument people in PTT r talking about after The World Games
[18:49] Judy Meiler: Besides, I think foreigners like it!
[18:50] Judy Meiler: I think every people have their own opinion toward the things.
[18:51] Aleli Damiano: actually, we like everything that looks Chinese, and besides we are discovering every aspect of Chinese culture so everything looks new, interesting
[18:51] Judy Meiler: The most important part is how we can preserve our tradition and make foreigners know them.
[18:51] Meredith Rhosar: uh...because we have time limit, maybe we can't just keep discussing about the content...
[18:51] Aleli Damiano: but what about local people, u have seen the same thing ur whole life, that makes a difference...
[18:51] Meimeiryo Littlebird: It's not the tradition we want to keep anymore, and foreigners well think that's what we used to do. i remember i saw one person in PTT said that "丟 臉丟到國外去"XDDDDD
[18:52] Judy Meiler: Yeah, but I think it』s only that person's own opinion. Some others still support this new kind of performance.
[18:53] Meimeiryo Littlebird: maybe what he trying to say is that if we mixed tradition with something else, maybe it's not the tradition we want to preserve anymore.
[18:54] Meredith Rhosar: should we start to talk about somethng else according to our roles?
[18:54] Judy Meiler: Yeah, but if we don't use this way, how can we make the young people accept and approach our traditional religion and custom?
[18:54] Aleli Damiano: anyway, Judy was giving us an overview on this topic, whether we like it or we agree or not with new trend is up to our individual opinions
[18:54] Meredith Rhosar: we have time limit...
[18:54] Judy Meiler: Yeah, that's right!
[18:55] Judy Meiler: I think it's a news. I just want to introduce a new thing to you guys.
[18:55] Meimeiryo Littlebird: yeah, time goes by so fast!XD so, monica have u finish checking judy's spelling and grammar?
[18:55] Aleli Damiano: yes, that's right
[18:56] Judy Meiler: So some advice, Monica?
[18:57] Aleli Damiano: I think what I have to suggest it has to do with the presentation, I think the pictures are a little crowded
[18:57] Meredith Rhosar: maybe Jocelyn should ask some questions?
[18:57] Meimeiryo Littlebird: i already did.........==
[18:57] Judy Meiler: Yeah, I think so too.
[18:57] Meimeiryo Littlebird: that's what i'm being doing!!!XDDD
[18:58] Judy Meiler: But actually, it is so difficult to arrange them.
[18:58] Meredith Rhosar: ok sorry...XDD
[18:58] Aleli Damiano: so perhaps you can choose those u like the most...
[18:59] Meimeiryo Littlebird: how about the word choice?word choice is probably the most important in a news.
[18:59] Judy Meiler: Yeah! OK!
[18:59] Judy Meiler: So Monica, which pictures do u like?
[19:00] Aleli Damiano: I like the gods...the first and the third
[19:00] Judy Meiler: So Jocelyn, do you think my news's point is clear enough?
[19:00] Judy Meiler: Ok, I see!
[19:01] Judy Meiler: So is there any problem with my grammar and spelling?
[19:01] Meimeiryo Littlebird: this question should leave to monicaXDDD she's the editor!XD well in my opinion, i think u did a great jobXD
[19:01] Judy Meiler: Oh! So shy!
[19:02] Aleli Damiano: I'm not really good at correcting those I have to say...
[19:02] Meredith Rhosar: really?!
[19:02] Judy Meiler: That』s ok! Don』t be sorry!
[19:03] Aleli Damiano: but I really like the way u approach to this new trend, and besides I find it very interesting!
[19:03] Meimeiryo Littlebird: then, do u see any pharse in her news that u really like it?
[19:03] Judy Meiler: Thanks, Monica!
[19:04] Aleli Damiano: there are several, that I like...
[19:04] Aleli Damiano: and ur welcome :)
The summary of the reader's and the editor's suggested revisions
The brief comment on the entire article with respect to organization, length, logic, and style